第二幕 Atma 的闲聊语音
Evil has laid siege to Lut Gholein and you may be our last hope…
在 Atma 的酒吧
This public house used to be quite lively, until this plague of evil. Luckily, I’ve managed to save away a tidy nest egg. Unfortunately, I couldn’t save everything I cared for…
In addition to my public house, there used to be several brothels doing business here. When the troubles first started in the desert, the harem guilds sought sanctuary within the palace.
Of course, Jerhyn was glad to oblige. I’ll bet they’re finding many ways to repay him for his protection.
谈起 Geglash(雇佣兵)
Geglash may seem like a sot, but he’s a brave man. All this trouble has driven him to drinking more than his usual.
谈起 Elzix(雇佣兵)
Elzix and I have reached an understanding over the years. He sends travelers to me for drink and entertainment, and I send them back to him for a soft bed. The travelers often trade their wares for lodging.
谈起 Meshif(马席夫)
Meshif seldom patronizes my establishment. I think he prefers to stay out there on his leaky ship.
谈起 Lysander
Oh, Lysander is cranky, but he’s a good old man. He used to give me medicines when… my son was ill.
谈起 Drognan(卓格南)
Drognan is a very private person. He’s always studying ancient scrolls and such. He may be a mystery to me forever.
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