圣骑士完成 安达利尔 任务
My work here is finished.
圣骑士完成 burial ground 任务
Sisters, there was no other way.
圣骑士完成 den of evil 任务
My duty here is done.
圣骑士完成 forgotten tower 任务
I’ve earned the right to this abandoned trove.
圣骑士完成 tools of trade 任务
This will help the Sisters turn the tide against evil.
圣骑士进入 burial ground
This holy place has been desecrated.
圣骑士进入 catacombs
There is great evil here.
圣骑士进入 den of evil
Evil dwells within this cave.
圣骑士进入 forgotten tower
This tower shall be cleansed of evil.
圣骑士进入 jail
This is no place for a warrior to die.
圣骑士进入 monastery
Even the Light cannot pierce this gloom.
圣骑士进入 wilderness
I will cleanse this wilderness.
圣骑士寻找 cairnstones
Maybe Akara could dispel the mysteries within these stones.
圣骑士寻找 tree of inifuss
This tree bristles with magic.
圣骑士寻找 tristram
What a tragic end to Tristram.
圣骑士营救 Deckard Cain
Deckard Cain, leave quickly!
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