男巫完成 安达利尔 任务
Back to the Hell that spawned you, Andariel!
男巫完成 burial ground 任务
Blood Raven… rest well.
男巫完成 den of evil 任务
Is that enough to earn the Rogues’ trust?
男巫完成 forgotten tower 任务
Treasure hunting, heh. Treasure finding, yes!
男巫完成 tools of trade 任务
All this for a hammer?!
男巫进入 burial ground
Too many empty graves…
男巫进入 catacombs
I sense… a demonic presence here…
男巫进入 den of evil
I sense…death within this place.
男巫进入 forgotten tower
This place… reeks of death.
男巫进入 jail
Ahh, the slow torture of caged starvation.
男巫进入 monastery
This place has the stench of demons about it!
男巫进入 wilderness
All who oppose me… beware.
男巫寻找 cairnstones
I sense many spirits about these stones.
男巫寻找 tree of inifuss
This tree shines with inner spirit.
男巫寻找 tristram
All that’s left of proud Tristram are ghosts and ashes.
男巫营救 Deckard Cain
Deckard Cain, if you value your life, leave here immediately!
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