亚马逊进入 Blood Moor
I shall purge this land of the shadow.
亚马逊进入 Den of Evil
I hear foul creatures about.

亚马逊清理干净 Den of Evil
Perhaps now the sisters will trust me.
亚马逊进入 Burial Grounds
I sense great sorrow and misery.

亚马逊杀死 Blood Raven
Rest in peace, sister.

亚马逊触摸 Cairn Stones
These stones serve some magical purpose.
亚马逊触摸 the Tree of Inifuss
What a strange looking tree.

亚马逊进入 Tristram
It’s as if a great war were fought here.
亚马逊解救 Deckard Cain
Deckard Cain, go to the rogues’ camp without delay!
亚马逊进入 Forgotten Tower
What’s that smell?
亚马逊杀死 The Countess
Ahh, the Tower’s trove for the taking!
亚马逊进入 Monastery Gate
So, this is the sight of Andariel’s atrocities.

亚马逊找回 Horadric Malus
The sisters will be glad to have this back..
亚马逊进入 Jail
What nightmarish tortures took place here?

亚马逊进入 Catacombs
This place is eerie.

亚马逊击败 Andariel
Hah, this maiden shall inflict no more anguish.
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