Diablo 迪卡·凯恩唱的 Rap

原创 2020年 3月 8日

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Rap 欣赏

点击播放键,欣赏 Deckard Cain 带来的 Rap:


这首歌有意思的地方在于,歌词是每两句押韵,即双行押韵格式 couplet


My name's Deckard Cain and I come from Tristram. 我叫迪卡·凯恩,我从崔斯特姆来。
If you're looking for Diablo, then you just missed him. 你要找 Diablo,可惜它刚好离开。
If you find Old Griswold, then you can take him down. 若你看到老格,把它打倒在地。
But you'll get no reward 'til you come back to town. 在你回城以后,就能得到奖励。
Thanks for my life, I'll identify your stuff. 感谢救命之恩,我能为你辨物。
But if you choose to journey on, then it's gonna get tough. 前方旅途艰难,想清楚再上路。
Greetings friend. Here's the road to the East. 你好啊~朋友,这里一路向东。
You'll find that it's blocked 'cause Andariel's a beast. 遇上安达利尔,方知此路不通。
Greetings! Greetings! 你好啊~ 你好啊~!
Greetings! Stay a while and listen. 请留步,听我一句。
Charsi can shield you if you have a lotta cash. 如果装备坏了,找恰西帮你修。
If you're all outta room, you can stick in your stash. 如果装备满了,请往箱子里丢。
My name is Deckard Cain and I've come on out to greet 'ya. 我叫迪卡·凯恩,请收下我的问候。
So sit your ass and listen or I'm gonna have to beat ya! 你敢不听我讲,就吃我一顿胖揍。
If I don't know the answer, then go ask Malah. 我若有所不知,那就去问马拉。
She's a funky little broad that looks like a koala. 胖胖美美的她,看着像只考拉。
My homies were destroyed, but I carry on. 我被灭了全家,安雅帮我幸存。
With the help of young Anya who's no Amazon! 这位安雅姑娘,她并非亚马逊。
Greetings! Greetings! 你好啊~ 你好啊~!
Can't touch this! Can't touch this! Can't touch this! 别碰这个!别碰这个!别碰这个!
Can't touch this! Can't touch this! Can't touch this! 别碰这个!别碰这个!别碰这个!
Greetings! Stay a while and listen. 请留步,听我一句。
My name is Deckard Cain, I'm the last of a breed. 我叫迪卡·凯恩,家中排行老末。
When I give out a warning you'd best take heed. 当我告诫你时,你要竖起耳朵。
I'm the sworn enemy of Big Bad Baal. 我和恶魔巴尔,向来势不两立。
He was first in line at the evil sale. 所有恶魔里面,巴尔排行第一。
Even though I'm ancient and somewhat of a relic, 我已老朽颓废,就像一尊文物。
People tell me I look like Tom Selleck! 可是人们都说,我像帅哥汤姆!

(汤姆·塞利克,Tom Selleck,Friends 中 Monica 的大龄男友)

I'm nasty, I'm old, and a little bit ornery. 我不但老而龌龊,脾气还很暴躁。
I look like Patrick Stewart and sound like Sean Connery. 我长得像老帕,口音像老肖。

(帕特里克·斯图尔特,Patrick Stewart, 星际旅行中的让-吕克·皮卡尔舰长)

(肖恩·康纳利,Sean Connery,多次出演007,浓重的苏格兰口音)

Greetings! Greetings! 你好啊~ 你好啊~!
Throw your hands in the air. 让我看到你们的双手好吗?
Wave 'em like you just don't care! 来一起嗨!
Greetings! Stay a while and listen. 请留步,听我一句。
Kick it. 走吧。
Way to go, homies. 走吧哥们,一起去闯闯
That was dope. 这样才够劲!
We'll have to do this more often. 我们还会经常如此~
That was way phat! 这样才有意思!
Yeah, boyyyyy. Cain in a house. 耶~ 我是凯恩!看过来!
Give it up for the Horadrim. 为赫拉迪姆欢呼吧~
Horadrim. Ho- Ho- Horadrim.
Horadrim. Ho- Ho- Horadrim.
Horadrim. Ho- Ho- Horadrim.
Horadrim. Ho- Ho- Horadrim,
Ho- Ho- Ho- Ho- Ho- Ho- Ho- Ho- Horadrim.
Who let the Barbarians out? Who, who, who, who? 谁把野蛮人放出来了~~谁?谁?谁?

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